Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Transfered to West Jordan

Hello there,

I am writing from West Jordan now, you're right, we did have transfers this week. Sorry for not getting a letter out to you last week.

We had Stake Conference this was a broadcast with Brother Beck & Sister Dalton (the YM/YW presidents of the church) As well as Elder Christensen from the 70 & ELDER BEDNAR!! They had it from the Conference Center for all the Stakes in the Salt Lake City South Mission. It was INCREDIBLE!

It is amazing how prepared the Lord gets you for things like these.

This whole last month I have been prompted to study the exact subjects Elder Bednar spoke about, which was great taking into consideration that on Thursday my companion, Sister Stinnett announced we were speaking IN Stake Conference this week, but it went well and I learned SO much!

My new area is COMPLETELY different than my old one in Sandy.

We have an apartment complex which is one of the most crime rated as well as the most tracting opportunities! We only have one stake here, phew! That is nice.

We stay close to the Spirit and continute to work hard. We are not blessed to have a car this transfer, so lots of walking since Sister Stinnett doesn't like riding bikes, but that is just fine...different dynamics but the message is the same.

Okay on to what Elder Bednar shared with us:

(there is always a list)

1. Continual Conversion (a testimony vs conversion)

Testimony is a start, but not an ending.

Testimony is what we know to be true by the Holy Ghost, Conversion is consistently BEING true to who we are.

Soon enough testimony alone will not be enough in these latter days

We MUST be continually converted & LIVE this gospel in order to strengthen our testimony

2.The Character of Christ

We must understand Christ's character before full conversion can occur

Character-moral qualities, moral capacity strongly developed & consistently lived.

"Except for the Character of Christ, there would be no Atonement"

what does this mean?

Study His Character, how he CONTINUALLY expressed outwardly instead of inwardly, even when he was in His deepest agony & prayed for US. He sent those angels to be with us. His concrern was for the welfare of OTHERS. Never for himself.

3 Nephi

Matt 4




3.Strength that comes through the Atonement

Alma 34:13

He is there to EASE any burden, sometimes to take it away completely, but most of the time to make YOU stronger to endure it.

Pray for the strength to endure, use the Atonement properly

The Atonement has strengthening power to do ANYTHING we are required

This enabling, strengthening, powerful gift is avaliable to ALL who seek it

INVITE them to do so, no matter who you are, open your mouth and invite that brother or sister to come home.

We now live in a paid apartment and it does not get warmer than 55 degrees in there...anyway i have been FREEZING at night, I only have a sheet & that thin blanket...anyway this lady came up to us and asked, "Sisters, are you in need of any warm blankets?" ahhh! hallelujah! My prayer was answered! She brought us home for lunch & gave me this huge quilt she made! Such a tender mercy :)

Anyway, this week has honestly been really rough, but take it step by step, involve God in EVERY aspect and it is do-able.

We now have to email at the Library & are only alotted 30 minute computer sessions, so I best be going

Love you all

Glad to hear David had a good birthday!!

Send me pictures

& I am glad he got the message from Sister Davis :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 10th, 2011

I didn't get an email from dad last week, so I have no idea what he is talking about when regarding "his last week email"

anyway, HELLO!!!

The package should get here today, we don't have mail pick-up until 1:30 to make sure today's mail is icluded with the rest of the week, but THANK YOU!

This week has been eventful, definitely started out with a bang, I broke records of all missionaries this week!...

Our district went to lunch after District Meeting on Tuesday...I was outside the car "backing" Sister Pousima...long story short... she backed over my foot.

We had to fill out an accident report for the Church & go to the Hospital for some xrays...nothing is broken & I am fine. They gave me a brace for the next month & eveyone is trying to convince me to be on crutches, but really. I'm fine hahaha I have been plenty prepared for this, and gave the nurses & doctors a new story to tell ;)

The wedding was BEAUTIFUL!!! The ward did such a great job! The baptisms got pushed up to Tuesday at 5:30, they are on their honeymoon up in Park City & coming back tonight & baptized tomorrow!

They have 6 children all together, the oldest is 22 and youngest is 7. We have been bringing the 2 oldest ones to the YSA ward with us, but they are not yet on date.

SANDRA CAME TO CUHRCH THIS WEEK! and to a ward activity spaghetti night & a couple in the ward is taking her and her sons to Temple Square tonight! I wish SO much we could go!!

MOM! I am so proud of you!! I learned this week that ward members play a HUGE part in finding people/helping to prepare them to hear this message, keep it up! We have a 21-day challenge we pass out to the members here, I should send a copy out to you!

Yesterday in church there was a story shared, that a mom & her little girl were driving down a road & saw a field full of dandilions. The mom thought to herself, "ugh. poor farmer, look at all those weeds." The daughter turned to her and exlaimed, "look mommy!! Look at all those wishes!!" This is how I am CHOOSING to view things this week. We had a rough time, Tina and Trent both broke up with us, they both were to get baptized this Saturday. BUT there is no time to give up. Transfers are coming again next week, and we are ending this one on a GREAT note!

Even though it is FREEZING and the snow has already made it's appearance. There are a million wishes ready to be made in this field. No weeds.

I love you all.

Read 3 Nephi 5:13.

We are ALL disciples of Christ.

Have a WONDERFUL week!!


Sister Givens
                                                    Companion ran over foot! Had to fill
                                                    out an accident report.
                                           Crystal with Briana and Lamar (children of Hosea
                                           and Nanette).
                                           Sister Pousima, Sonia Henkel (maid of honor for
                                           wedding) and Sister Crystal Givens
                                           Sister Pousima. Sonia Henkel, Sister Crystal Givens,
                                           Got to wear Big Hats and Pearls to the Wedding!
                                           Nanette and Hosea on their wedding day.
                                                     Sister Crystal Givens and her companion
                                                     Sister Pousima 
                                                     Hosea and Nanette on their Wedding
                                                     Day. Then getting baptised a few days

MacKenzie from Pleasanton and BYU-I

Friday, October 7, 2011

General Conference

Thanks Mom!


This Conference was absolutely INCREDIBLE!

My companion and I went to the Priesthood Session...hahah but I LOVED President...I mean Elder Waddell's talk! So neat to see him up there, but I truly know "The Lord knows where he wants us to serve" as he said in his talk. I know I am supposed to be here in the Salt Lake City South Mission at this time. I was not able to go downtown this time, I stayed with a member while Sister Pousima and the other missionaries went down, but the messages are still the same.

I thought about dad durning the talk in the Sunday afternoon session when he was talking about those missionaries who had served in Japan.

Then thought about Uncle Todd when Elder Richardson? (I forgot my notebook in the car) said it was the best 2 years FOR you.

I have Uncle Todd's voice pop into my head from time to time, and can hear him saying those words as if he were here!

We went to a fireside with the Sims/Cohill family last night, a family who is getting married on Saturday then baptized the next week. The fireside is called Genesis. You should look it up online! It's actually an amazing thing. President Hinckley established it before he is especially for the African American members of the church, all are invited and many who come have adopted children. They had a guest speaker...President McClain who is a Temple sealer in the Oakland, CA Temple speak then they open it up for testimonies and singing, to the point where you have to do a double take and make sure you are in the right church haha but it is so neat! As SOON as we walked in, they announced our presence and had us come sit on the stand and asked us to bear our testimonies...which when you are over 17's pretty normal by now.

Anyway, I shared just what I said above, that I KNOW the Lord knows where he wants us to serve.I am grateful for the opportunituies alotted in this mission, especially with Temple Square so close. We sent a family up there for Conference this week and they are SO eager to get baptized it is incredible!

Sandra (Mario's mom) is on date for the 30th! Mario turns 16 on the 25th then ordained a Priest on the 30th & baptizing his mom that night!!! :)


Anyway, I better get going. Today is going to be a long day.

I will try and attach a few pictures really quick.

know I love you and think/pray for you all the time.

Stay close to the words spoken at Conference, especially with President Monson's closing remarks.

David, please go replay Elder Holland's talk.

Soak up every word.

I love you.

Cherish what God knows we need to hear at this time.

He knows us PERFECTLY but we must ACT for ourselves.

love love love love love YOU!

Sister Givens

OH! ps last night I saw Mackenzie!!! (My friend from BYUI, we both lived in Pleasanton together,...anyway she is going to school down here and came to the fireside for a class!) gotta love utah haha