Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 29,2011


I have been sitting here for I dont even know how long, trying to decide what to put in this email.

Glad to hear things are going well back in good ole puyallup! Getting ready for the fair!? I can't believe it has already been a year!

AND Camerono! Woo!! And Michelle was there? How awesome for the Millets!

DREW. BRAYDEN. GIVENS. Stop breaking your body! Your body is a Temple, so BE CAREFUL!!

You take after your cousin far too much little sir.

Last week Elder Crowther (my District Leader/Dad) told me something he said,

"True charity is to look in someone's eyes and find the divinity no matter how burried it may be by the world. It it there, we just have to find it. Every single person out there is DEEPLY loved by our Heavenly Father, once we emulate that true, charitable love towards those we are around, we never stop."

This has brought new understanding, a new clarity, a new sense of spiritual eyes.

There is so much muck in the world, the fog that satan clouds over us. It builds upon our souls to the point where to some, that is all they see. However, if we truly find ways to discover and act on charity, we see others as our Heavenly Father does.

We shared this message with those we taught this week, either through a specific lesson or in our actions. I hope to magnify this attribute every day on my mission, and after.

There is a few families who we are working with who do not realize the love their Heavenly Father has for them, and honestly, it breaks my heart. I have a firm testimony that we are never truly alone. That we are always being watched over. I dont know how I could have gotten through this week without that knowledge.

I don't know if I mentioned last week that our teaching pool of investigators has dwindled down into a teaching puddle, but it has remained that way. I have been turning to my Heavenly Father a LOT this week and realized the divine organization there is in the church.

We are not only placed in our immediate families, but that it goes far beyon that.

We have wards and stakes, both a family.

I have the Salt Lake City South Mission family

Our Sandy Zone Family

Our District Family

Our companionship family

and so on.

We are ALL brothers and sisters in the big picture.

We are here to help each other through.

The pioneers didn't cross the plaines with just their family, but relied and migrated west with the support of others. We can not do this alone, there is a reason for the Lord to have set it up this way. It leads us to rely on HIM and the great sacrifice he perfomed. To rely on the strength of our elder brother when we are too weak to carry on. We must go to Him and learn how, then help to see the divinity in others NO MATTER how burried by the world it may be.

This is my challenge to you for the week.

See others through your spiritual eyes.

and if you already do...carry a magnifying glass.

Alu bapi!

ps-transfers are next wednesday...every 6 weeks dad.

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