Monday, September 12, 2011

John 12:40:

"He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted and I should heal them."

2 Nephi 16:10

"Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes - lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted and be healed."

Elder Bednar instructed us to, "Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear. Have faith. Heaven trusts you."

This week has been a whirlwind.

Tuesday we had the BEST district meeting with our entire Zone. THe spirit was stronger than I have ever felt since I have been on my mission. The 3 district Leaders and 2 Zone Leaders each took about 10 minutes to discuss what they were prompted to share. The part that effected me the most was when Elder Crowther (Our District Leader/aka my dad) talked about faith, He referred to Elder Wirthlin's talk called "Shall He Find Faith on the Earth" look it up, Study it. Apply it to the Doctrine of Christ.

There is just so much I want to write you about.

First I will give an update on my health...

Tuesday I wanted to go and work, we went to District Meeting, then went to lunch with our District where we got the call we were all staying together for at least another transfer (which everyone was shocked because a couple missionaries have been here for over 6 months) but I prayed that weekend that if I still was going to be battling my health, then to PLEASE keep our district together. Well...Heavenly Fathers answers prayers. So I was overwhelmed when we got the news, knowing I was not done, but that I had the support of so many and that my Father in Heaven does NOT forsake his child. I am grateful for Him. I LOVE Him.

The day went on, and slowly I got worse and worse. The pain was worse than I have ever experienced, so Sister Miller told us to go back to the ER. Elder Crowther and Elder Aleman came along and for the next 7 hours or so we camped out in the Hospital. I was blessed this time to have a GREAT doctor, he was LDS and truly had the Spirit with him, nothing I had experienced before. All of my nurses that night were LDS as well and were telling us stories about their missions. THe pain increased more and more...7 IV's later we were sent home with strict instructions on what to eat/what not to eat/which surgeries to look forward to next.


Anyway, so Wednesday I was determined to work through it and figured...duh..the Lord will provide...I'm a missionary! Wrong-o.

We had to cancel everything and get by until further instruction from the Doctor.

Thursday Sister and President Miller called asking if I wanted to go home.


I already got my answer for that one. Nice try Satan.

I am here. I am going to stay here until I die or get released...which ever comes first ;) haha don't freak out mom.

Sister Miller then told me to go stay with a member that day so after going to service with our district, I went to the member's while sister pousima went with another member on splits.

I stayed with Sister Johnson, got a call from the Doctor and found out I was having surgery the next morning...

We carried on with our night, then went to the Riverton Hospital on Firday all hooked up and off I went.

They did the procedure, then we took the detour home and drove around the temple grounds then went and helped Nanette (an investigator who is getting married on October 8 & baptized October 15!!!!) We are teaching their whole family!

While we were over there helping with invitations Sister Miller called, said I needed to REST and was putting me on a 10 day exchange with Sister Kaufana who had knee surgery that same day.

So now we are grounded to the basement in the Jordan Temple Zone, BUT the backyard is backed up to the Temple!! So I see it EVERY DAY!

It's already rough.

I miss the work.

I miss our investigators.

I miss our District.

But we prayed, and KNOW this is what God wants for me.

So I am here, gaining more and more faith, being converted even more, and having faith I will be healed. I was promised in a blessing that if I aquire faith strong enough I will not only be healed, but this healing with be a PERMANENT healing. WOW.

Anyway, I am short on time.

I am so grately blessed to be part of this gospel, to be able to learn of Christ, apply what he CONSECRATED his life for.

Learn of his teachings and invite others to come unto Him as well.

I love Him.

I love you.

Study the scriptures EVERY day.

They keep you going.

Be safe.

Be well.

I am on my way to doing the same

:) Sister Givens

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